Friday, April 2, 2010

One Week Down

Well I've survived my first week on furlough. I feel like I haven't acomplished anything. I went to the beach and the art museaum. I took my little sister to the children's museaum. I helped my brother move. I went for a hike in forest park. I went to the library and started more seriously researching the ancestrial pobleaons for my upcoming book. Plus I listened to five audio books.

That might sound like a lot. And I know that if I'd been working I wouldn't have gone to the beach of helped my brother move. But I still feel like I normally accomplish more in a week outside of work than I've managed to accomplished this week with absolutely nothing to do.

I have one more week of furlough (unless my boss decides to extend it). I'm hoping that next week I'll get a little more done.

Joke of the Day
Blond jokes are always short so men can understand them.

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